Monday, February 15, 2010

There are two kinds of secrets : those we keep from others, and the ones we hide from ourselves.

So i was playing around online...haha big surprise and i saw that Postsecret has branched out to the social network that is facebook. I first heard about Postsecret 5 years or so ago, walking through a Barnes&Noble i stumbled upon a big stack of their published secrets and ended up sitting reading every single one for at least an hour. its a frighteningly beautiful project that im a huge supporter of, consisting of anonymous confessions written on simple post card sized pieces of paper. any medium. photographs, notebook paper, anything. they come from people all overrr, all you have to do is send it away in the mail. I have yet to contribute to it but i definitely plan on it. i found myself watching this video a couple of times for some reason, its haunting and sad and funny and just so real. its rare things like this that makes life so much more meaningful :) heres the videooo.

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