Haha it took me more time to block out my name than it did to upload this, but i thought i'd share my momentary revelation with my fellow blog followers. its a valid feeling though. in my few years that men have actively pursued me, and the years i spent listening to my sisters K and J ramble on about all their crazy stories, i've realized this feeling is not as uncommon as one would suspect. especially when it comes to Cyber "gaming."
And no, when i say that, i dont mean Snood-ing or playing Risk. i mean when men feel that their best route to approach women is over internet, fbook specially in this situation.
I just don't understand it. Why would you ever seriously think that approaching women, especially in the early stages of getting know one another, or even in talking to her, would be over fbook chat. a-it puts on the impression youre lazy and too pussy to find a creative way to bump into her in person b-cant be yourself in person c- afraid to meet her in person or d-all of the above. okay so sometimes its fun to flirt on fbook. i do it all the time. i dont hate fbook convos. but when youve only met once and then you get a little BEEP you've got a new chat from so and so comes up on your bottom nav bar when youre in the middle of a heavy stalking sesh, its not exactly pleasant to me. sure it could be fun, come the right guy. but in my experience thats hardly the situation. its typically the guy i bumped into at the party, the guy who filled me up at the keg, the guy who picked up my pencil for me in english etc etc...its never the cute artsy guy i met in line at starbucks. or the one who sits next to me every time in lecture that asked to borrow me notes. nope. never. its the oddballs. the creeps. the ones stricken twith the fateful nervous tendencies that keep them from talking to women in person.
Bad news bears my men pals, man up. women dont want to meet you over fbook chat. if she doesnt know you and has friended you, she most likely accepts everyones friends requests. so dont go creaming in your pants over it. gew! modern women like myself, the type that are always single, the ones that have their head on straight, the ones that arent afraid to verbally castrate you when you f* up, the ones that love male attention but loathe the idiots, we are the ones that dont take your shit. we are nearing the cusp of 2009 and moving on to 2010.....2010!!!! sure its the age of technology, but chivalry is not dead, and neither is my white knight. though often pessimistic, my romantic life is one jumbled up in all that is optimism. im fighting for the man that will one day capture my heart, but for right now, when i log onto fbook and get handfuls of fbook chat blurbs with creepy men wanting to know who the "real D is" save it. if you want to know me, surprise me. dont do it over the internet. god knows its statistically not my way to meet my mate, especially with all the sexual predators out there. and i speak for all women. yes women. not the 12-16 group that would go into a fit of heart palpitations when a guy fbook chats them. the 18-25 group who use facebook for networking and stalking their friends and friends of friends out of boredom. so save the time of finding my name in your online buddy list and take the time to get my number like a man and call me.
Harsh? maybe. but maybe if you listened, i wouldn't want to cyber punch you in the balls and run away. keep that in mind ;)
WELL PLAYED sister friend... well played. and Af*ckingMEN to that!!!!!!!! love you hahaha
ReplyDeleteYes! Thank you.
ReplyDeletewait... so asl? isnt a good pick up line any more...
ReplyDeleteWell that's the most humiliating thing I've ever read. My deepest apologies for any times I may have transgressed.
ReplyDeletehahha luke if youre the luke i know, youre safe. and ian what does asl mean ?