I'm not going to talk about the fact that this is my first real post in months..for we all know that if i were a real life functioning blogger I would'nt even be typing these words. So with no apology I will move on to more important topics to update you on.
Hi guys. I'm D. If you're reading this you're probably uber bored, stumbling upon me on twitter or simply clicking on random facebook links to fulfill your quota of sufficient stalking..or all three; who knows, who cares (insert Local Natives-Who Knows Who Cares). Anywho. If you don't already know me I'm the little raven-haired shawty running around north philadelphia like I own the place. I could go on about my background, interests and/or pass times but I feel it unnecessary and an insignificant use of both my and your time. always lookin out :)
Considering its been about a year since I've consistently posted I for some reason felt the need to re-introduce myself. Essentially D.Tales has been reborn. This is my first post since the remodel andd I'm quite tickled about it. When I first built this little cyber cluster of my meaningless thoughts, stories, and inspirations it was mostly to help me organize all the hooplahh swirling around in my 19 year old head of mine. Mother of pearl..19. I was a child. anyway. Freshman year was a whirlwind what can I say. But now I aim to cater to addressing the older more mature topics that occur in the realm at which linger. In simpler terms - I'm going to talk about the same ish, but now I'm half way through college. huzzah.
As im typing this it's now almost 2 full years later. I'm currently on the floor of my real life grown up apartment. The rent of which I pay for all myself. I'm also currently slightly intoxicated thanks to an impromptu journey to the almighty drunk tank known as Lucy's. I don't care who you are..Dollar drinks until 12 does anyone in so I don't want to hear it.
Ironically next week is my 21st birthday.
Words cannot exactly describe my excitement, anticipation and nerves. In the almightly U.S of A 21 is the proverbial crossroad to adulthood so with it comes much responsibility (apparently). I can't say I don't already know what its like to be 21..for I have already mastered the bar scene in both philadelphia and new york, butt its still the actual changing of tides from teenage/college life to growing up and becoming a real person. It's quite simply a right of passage.
As a little lady who has yet to even commence her junior year of collegiate studies, I'm considered an old maid for my year. Of all my friends, 4 roommates, 2 besties, 20+ teammates...I know tons of friends...I'm practically ancient for my age. Apparently Lisa (mon mere) thought it was cool to keep me at home for an extra year simply because I still took afternoon naps..In my eyes this is the bullshit cover excuse she uses to hide the fact that she loved me so much she didnt want to share me with 30 other kids at kindergarten.
Regardless.I'm old for my age. All my pals are either now just turning 20 or at least 6 months away from 21, yet still we have have managed to swindle our ways into bars for the past year so all of this ranting has no real substantial backing. I'm old but miraculously I look like im 5 so it all works out. cant complain - except for being picked up by high school boys at the beach..painful.
moving on.
Because of my premature 21-year-old-turning, it was difficult to decide how to celebrate. So many things to consider. To celebrate at home with my parents with a homemade cake and my favorite home cooked meal? To go to west chester and get harassed by the bouncers at Docs, Barnebys and Tecca who will all surely believe my id to be fake? orrrr hit the staples of Olde City that we've already been to a million times? the options were all so appealing....
So because of this, my lovely sisters and I got to thinking, actually not thinking more so scheming - we made a pact like 4 years ago to do this...to take a trip!
In exactly one week I will be high in atmosphere flying my way to the sexy and oh so scintillating South Beach, Miami :) The land of lotsah skin, great nightlife, amazing accommodations and white sandy beaches. Easily I'm the most excited individual for this. My sisters have hooked me up with round trip airfare and a suite at the FontainBleau and I don't think any of us could be more thankful. a trip with just the three of us has never been more necessary. If only my little sis could tag along (Shout out to Colby! :) I love you! - ps we're going to the tropics for your 21st)
Anyone whos gone on vacation knows the feeling of wanting to look good for it, so naturally my work out regimen has been altered a bit for the past couple of months. I can't tell you how much it boggles my mind but seriously - tweaking your diet to healthier foods and hitting the gym a little more makes the world of difference. After the new year everyone makes the resolution to get in shape but because of this trip I wanted to make it happen. Cheerleading has always kept me fit but getting that toned look took a bit more so i decided to branch out and try some new methods.
A couple of months ago I got into Bikram Yoga- its a yoga practiced in a space heated to approx 11o degrees. In the winter time its amazing, 90 mintues of 25+ poses that cleanses both your mind and body and when you walk outside its the most refreshing feeling. It tones, trims and does everything you want it to without leaving you sore. As it got hotter and I learned to become frugal with my money (Bikram runs 80 bucks a month downtown) I switched to pilates (pop pilates on Youtube is great! 10min workouts) and yoga on campus followed by an hour to 1.5 hours in the gym at least 2 times a week. This paired with healthier snacks has done works on my bod :) Miami here I comeeee

Working out has never been a favored pastime of mine but ya gotta do whats necessary to get yourself looking your bestt :) I highly encourage making even the smallest changes in and out of the gym whether it be walking or swapping the oreos for an apple, it makes the world of difference! and makes you feel absolutely great:)
Additionally I've also been making changes with work! Last year I spent a year working with Red Bull and now I've switched to work for a new performance Beverage known as DrinkNeuro! Its fabulous :) Packaged in a rainbow of adorable and 100% recyclable material made hourglass bottles, these little drinks provide all the boost of necessary functions you could ask for from an all natural drink company and all in under 35 calories. If you don't run into me around Philly hooking the area up with this lovely stuff I suggest you scope us out @DrinkNeuro :) Trim and Bliss are my favs

So between working out, shopping my bum off - literally I think the cashiers at all the shops in center city know me by name, and working I've been a busy girl, but its all for a better, fit and grown up (maybe not physically..but mentally) little me ;)
#Motivated #Happy and #Healthy
South Beach most likely isn't ready for me or the rest of the Stackhouse sisters - Watch out Kardashians - but they're getting a heaping spoonful of fun come july 7th whether they like it or not ;) If you haven't already I suggest you follow me on twitter @DarcyJoelle for amusing, sometimes intoxicated tweets. I'll surely be blasting the twitter world when i'm down south so make sure to check for updates <3
until then my sweets,
I have many issues with this post. We can discuss when I see you next, which will probably be tomorrow.