Sunday, July 17, 2011

I'm tired of being Good, Lets Just be Bad..A short intro to the Novella that Is my 21st Birthday Experience.

So its been a little over a week since my last post, and this girl has a plethora of scintillating new material to bore you with... So what better time to pile it on ya?

Lets begin.

In the time between my most recent blog vomit (I like to refer to my posts as such because its my cyber form of word vomit - an otherwise meaningless culmination of my pointless thoughts displayed publicly here in the blogosphere) and this one, I have been a very
very busy lady. I've traveled, I've worked, I've worked out, I've eaten my feelings - comprised of delicious treats like ice cream and cake and carbs like you wouldn't believe, I've driven all over the place, I've slept, I've watched some television...I could go on...and essentially stop this post right now because I've told you everything I've done pretty much..but whats the fun in that?

And thus I shall elaborate.

A little over a week ago I returned back to Home Sweet 1700..a wonderfully filthy little place I just adore calling Home. Its quite quaint actually. Usually the first words out of my vistor's mouths are adjectives like oh how "sweet," or "spacious," "clean."

In my perfect world at least.

No, you see I live in the projects. No embellishment. I really do. At school, off campus housing is nestled cozily amongst section 8 philadelphia housing. I have daily shootings, muggings, drug deals, abductions, you name it, occur all around me. Its like living along side Bone Thugs & Harmony every single day. Its simply divine. #NeighborHoodswag.

next topic.

So I returned home.

from what you ask?

continue reading.

One week ago I was returning from the trip in honor of my earthly existence. For seven days prior, I made the leap from small child to small child who happens to have turned 21!

It's a mind boggling concept, of this I am aware.

How could something so small hold such a moral responsibility in the world? Its difficult to uphold, Trust..and I've only dealt with it for 7 days.

tough life.

As you may have previously read ..{if not, I encourage you take an additional 15 minutes [est.] of your time (of which I hope isn't yours, but rather time that is supposed to be spent earning money..because then at least you could enjoy my witty compositions about nothing special and get paid..winning combo in my eyes) and rewind back a few posts to further understand my meaningless ramblings in this current one} ..I have been planning and excurging - not a word: my form of excursion in the present verb form..on a trip down south.

Like birds fly south in the winter, my sisters and I felt it necessary to migrate down to where the equator kisses the earth with its lovely and potentially dangerous UV-Rays and head on down to South Beach, Miami to not escape from the cold, but instead torture ourselves with an even more sweltering climate than we are dealing with currently up north.

makes total and complete sense.

Additionally, this migration also had a wee bit to do with my ever impending anniversary of birth also referred to as my 21st birthday extraordinaire. Can I get a Hell Yea?

Go on girl.

So we took a vay kay to Miami, over the time of course I obviously celebrated my birthday. We Wined, We Dined, We Clubbed (no baby seals were involved), and We Snugged...

.. Also not a word.
It's my form of the word Snuggle.
Nothing else rhymed.

Needless to say we had a grand time.

And now, since you simply won't let me get a word in otherwise, I shall give you the full Monty. The whole 9 yards. The play by play - if you will..of said 21st birthday/vacation/girl inspired Hangover re-enactment.

Our Trials, Our Tribz .. get ready, because its on its way, whether you like it or not.

(I encourage you drink a glass of water and find yourself a seat. just lookin out. )


  1. Thought you might be interested.

  2. awesome! Thanks so much, ill contact her!

  3. nice post dear blogger
