Today was a fairly uneventful day, unfortunately. i didn't have class until 3 so i got to enjoy a nice dose of shut eye before waking up to a welcoming poop load of homework...yuck. I spent the morning reading countless excerpts from possibly the most redundant Society Reader full of pompous P.H.Ds who think they're genius for spouting off their opinions about Gender. There's that word again...Gender...i seriously cant seem to escape it. Not only does my Gender in Society class revolve around this useless sociological topic, but so does my english academic discourse class. FML.
So there i sat, 2 solid hours spent in bed chained to the obligation to get good grades. At approx 2.34 my cute little baby Canoni70 printer decided to hijack my paper and eff up that took another 15 minutes to fix. mlia. by the time i got my summaries and compare contrast essay printed, it was around 2.40. Again, i found myself at odds with my clock, racing to slap on some makeup and look semi decent before facing my classmates. in the end i ended up playin' it safe and classic in my moms vintage gap denims, cuffed at the mid calf with my black studded kid version of steven madden gladiators, a burgundy long sleeve cling top, belted at the waist, and my new black cardigan with gold embellishments to pull it all together. wasn't my best ensemble but it was better than the paint-stained Wawa sweat pants, oversized XL eagles t-shirt, no-makeup, hair-in-a-bun look i had goin' on 15 minutes prior haha.
Unfortunately mondays luck didn't strike twice, i walked into Gladfelter just as the clock stuck 3 on the dot. the ancient elevator crawled to the 6th floor and i arrived just after 5 past. that dreaded look i got from my professor and classmates made me feel like shit, as expected...and so for the next 2 hours i spent my time shifting in my impossible crappy desk taking notes and every so often joining in the conversation about heteronormativity and dis-industrialization in our society...told you the material was pompous. As i sat there listening to Robert K, my professor (see my drawing below...i drew this on sept 15, durning another one of his boring discussions hahah he looks like a sexual predator) drag on about masculinities and beer ads, my stomach decided to voice its opinion and rumble, jumble and grumble. seriously it sounded like my insides were DYING. the acoustics in my classroom are was as if my stomach was hooked up to an AMP. embarrassed i hugged myself and stated to no one in particular that i was starving. Robert K decided to make things worse and call me out, asking me if i was alright ... this unleashed the classes under-the-breath giggles. bitches. i cant help that the only thing i had before was a choco-chip chewy bar. im a college studentttt. GOD.

After class i geared up to face the new crisp autumn air, only to get harassed by "Save the Sea Turtles" recruiters. Some over-charming greasy blond approached me no more than 10 yards from Gladfelter. he summoned me by "lets see if the pretty lady with the cool yellow shades wants to help out!" ... dbag. What student would Everr want to join one of these groups after spending two hours holed up in a 15 x 20 room with 14 other people talking about GENDER. no one thats who. don't get me wrong, the sea turtles do need saving...but at that moment i just couldn't be that person. don't hate me god. like the sinner i am i flashed him my pearly whites, told him i had a class, and continued on my path to the student center to grab some Burger King. im going to hell.
The Burger King was delectable. i got chicken tenders and fries. annndd pink lemonade <3
As i did work on my tenders, D and i grabbed our usual booth and chatted about our lives, our loves and certain people that piss us off haha it was a GREAT time. by the time we were done it was almost 6 and i wanted to commit cheer suicide. my ever impending practice started at 7, but everyone knows that 6.45 is considered late, so i raced home changed and went to meet my pal E around 6.25 to walk to McGonigal for practice.
I always seem to psych myself out before i have it, thinking that i dont want to go and rather stay home and watch all my fav TV shows online. im such a loser. But in the end i always end up having a blast. Tonight we did some tumbling and then spent the time throwing stunts and making up new sequences. it was a grand time haha. the only bad thing that happened was getting a chunk of my leg gouged out behind my knee...but surprisingly, it was painless hahah. i didnt even know it happened until i started bleeding. GEW! but yea..when thinking about it, Cheerleading for my university is possibly the best decision i made coming into my freshman year. not only do i meet crap loads of people, have a pre-determined group of friends/family, but i ALSO get something that every girl like me loves...CLOTHES. i love all my cheer clothes hahahhaha.
Practice ended around 9ish. i bust into The Cave all high on endorphins to find D watching I Love Lucy on her comp...shes basically the shit hahaha. for the past hour ive been catching up with here and watching the latest epi of Melrose Place, which was SO good. such a guilty pleasure hahah. Ashlee Simpson's character is absolutely bonkers. she not only sucks at acting, but she gets stuck with the manic depressive bipolar psychopath character haha. she totally murdered Sid. hahahah. i seriously have no life. but anyways, aside from all this useless information my main purpose of blogging this evening was to enlighten my readers with my latest discovery of odd flavored yogurt. You would think itd be nast, but surprisingly it was SO DELISH!!
Its called Yoplait light, thick and creamy - Cinnamon Roll. it sounds nausiating, but D got it onsale last weekend when she was home, so i volunteered to test taste it. little did i know that id be an orgasm in my mouth. yummmyyyy. below is a visual of this gift from above. i highly recommend it!
Okay, thats all i can really think of at the moment regarding todays happenings. ive unveiled entirely way to much hahah people probably think i have no life. im off to make popcorn, it is afterall my best friend <3>
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