Just found out Spy Kids is coming on Disney at 8. i hate TU cable. why the hell do they punish us with keeping Disney Channel and Nickelodeon from us? its like they know that all i would do is watch Hannah and Drake and Josh...im such a 5 year old.
Monday, November 30, 2009
la la la this is my November blog monologue
It's quite possibly one of my biggest embarrassments. this blog i mean. haha, seriously though. this thing started as yet another one of my creative endevors to help spur on and inspire my thoughts to maybe possibly formulate into something i could actually make a permenant hobby. but no. like all things i usually start, unless i can start and finish it in a sitting or a span of a week, i move on with my life and forget it. its sad really.
So here i am, all. this is trial #2 at putting my trails and tribs into words. let the games begin...again.
Essentially, it has been about a month since pouring my little big heart out on this thing. and even then did i simply blog a quick fix for doing what i did the whole month of november...refrain from all bloglicious posts installments and rants. not okay.
okay so here we go for real now.
in the words of T Swift ... la la la la this is my much needed blog monologue.
november. its been one hellofa month let me telll you.
As i sit here in the Cave i now look in a new perspective. 2 weeks prior to this i up and made the decision for a remodel. a little dorm feng shui if you will. its adorable let me tell you. i dont know how i went through 3/4 of fall semester living in the set up D and i had. it was so constricting. so boring. so generic. now, with the simple help of some mere adjustments; placement of furniture, ceiling embellishments and just some additional simple changes, i have brought a whole new life to the Cave. its totally glorious...took four hours alone in my room on a friday, but its utterly ravishing. tres chic, ce n'est pas une bourdoire unoriginaire.
that being said. visual proof seems necessary. below are the before and afters. :)
BEFORE >> ew :

AFTER >> new!
my side ^^

D's Side ^^
Okay so my side is overwhelmingly feminine. i didn't realize it until i set it all up hahha but i love my bedding shag rug and pops of color :)
....And since i love it so much i decided to let you in on my big steals for spin on dorm chic :
Bedding :
Mine : Company Kids. Parisian Floral Percale Bedding. (like the creative optimist i am, i saw the print and fell in love. The only twin size available was a sheet set though ... and being ambitious as i am, i simply bought two top sheets and had it made into a duvet cover :) so much cheaper too!
D's: Target. Home Damask Stripe Bedding Collection-Purple. Such a fun print, pretty multi stripes with a splash of a fun eclectic deco to line to side :)
Shag Rug :
Target. a tad pricy but great quality. total investment piece.
Marilyn Monroe Deco Silk Scarf/Tapestry:
Betsey Johnson.
Verti/Horiz. Wall Picture hanging:
okay this thing rocks.
i got two on sale at Urban Outfitters.
2 for 15. best deal everr, so visual and it takes up a lot of free space
Raspberry Plush body Pillow:
Target. godsend i tell you. its now my make shift headboard
Oversized Paper ceiling Flowers.
Lilly Pulitzer <3>
Adorably Hideous Shabby Chic dorm Furniture not Included.
haha what can ya do, in the words of one of my fav fashion Divo's Tim Gun, "Make it Work!"
haha okay wow. i probs should have blogged about my dorm staples in august when i moved in, but seriously, the remodel only made me appreciate my investments all that much more.
alrightyy (haha Orsen. DH ref!) onto bigger and more important topics.
That brings me to that past 3 weeks to the insane Tasmanian devil run around i've been doing these past few weeks.
alright so last time you heard from me it was the weekend following Halloween. aka the definition of messy. a fun mess though haha. since then ive been hittin the books, doing my weekly 8am workouts, sitting through painful Gender in America (nast breath neighbor included), slaving over my straggling grade in Psych and blogging my butt off for Cyberspace in Society. essentially, ive been a nerd during the week. hahah
the Weekends have brought games games games. GO OWLS!!!

hahah i love this damn owl.
anways... With the last home football game two weeks ago vs kent state (brought in another W hootihoo!) and our season opener for mens basketball the same day let alone weekend, TU cheer obligations have been anything but a walk in the park. As one season came to a close another started, bringing both womens and mens bball games to cheer for and a whole lot of fundraisers for nationals. I completed the Joe Corbi sales thank heavens, only to be handed a PartyLite booklet of a good 20 pages of candles and decorative holders (starting price nothing under 25 dollars mind you) hahha so great. after ive scrounged my way through my entire extended family for them to guiltily buy a 20 dollar pizza from me, now ive got to do my best to go back begging for more. poor fam. hahaha.
but nothing tops this past week.
Okay so to kick off last week i pretty much did a whole lotta nothing. last week was comprised of 2 days of classes, 1 womens basketball game (another W) and a short car ride home followed by rendezvous with long lost 610 bests home from college and masses of Thanksgiving food. YUMMMM. Sadly though, all good things must come to an end and Thanksgiving break ended up being nothing more than one great big tease. Friday i spent the day with my 3 sisters shopping, watching New Moon and slumbering in my full sized bed watching Becoming Jane. well at least J and i did. K passed out during the opening credits only to interrupt to the movie with her odd sleeping sounds hahaha. oh K...so special.
Saturday brought bubble baths, reading the 3rd Twilight book and a traffic infested carride back to TU. like i said, Cheer obligations have seeped into the cracks that is my social life.
i had to be back saturday night to set up for yet another invigorating CheerT Competition, my first as a TU Cheerleader, by my third including last year where i was actually a competitor...unfortunately. but yea i had to be back to set up th Comp, which we so graciously offered to lend our venue (McGongial) to CheerT in exchange for embarrassingly almost minimum wage compensation. Our job was basically to run the competition. Saturday bright and early I was so lucky as to be assigned to ticket sales and security.
like really.
do i look like paul blart from Mall Cop? i'm 4'10..4'11 on a good day. anyone whos been to a cheer comp has seen the scary line backer looking spirit crazed Cheer Dads. they mean business. not to mention that admission was a 15 dollar cover. i had unhappy spectators lined up to waahzoo waiting to speak with an event director, but only after they happily reamed their two cents to me and 3 of my teammates. lucky usss.
as we delt with the masses, i switched to wristband duty...comprised of filing the paying spectators into another line where we then facetted a fairy little pumpkin paper wristband to affirm their admittance. this didnt go over either.
"how unefficient"
"why dont you use stamps"
"its too tight, can i have a new one"
"hi, can i leave my stroller with you for a second while i take my kids to the bathroom?"
"i should have kept mine on from last week, woulda saved me 15 dollars"
Jesus H. Chr*st. like really people. don't kill the messenger. i was simply trying to quickly strap on the damn wristband without taping their arm hair or cutting off their circulation, but making sure not to let it be loose enough to slip off and hand out to sneaks trying to work the system. it was stressful. just pay the money! we all know if you put your kid in cheerleading youre good at forking over tons of cash for pointless crap. trusttt...i watched my parents live it for for a good 10 years.
So as i did my job with a fake smile plastered across my face, bearing the artic chill that was gusting through the wide open front doors, and blocking out the blaring bass from whatever brittney spears rendition was playing over the speaker system i got to thinking about how great it would be to be done and what i would do. the time ticked away and eventually i made it to 12 where i was allowed to leave and head back to my newly reopened dorm. YAY. on my long treck home i was reliving the horror that was Cheer Hell, aka cheer competitions, only to then refocus my attention on the fact that thanksgiving was now over, which meant that XMAS is approaching. fast too!!
i cant believe theres 25 days until santa comes! im so excited. but like any other college student, i myself am out of money. and as i walked home i stumbled upon an ad on a bus stop that made me smile...and perfectly defined that money doesn't necessarily buy happiness.
heres the ad :

i love marshmallows.
So after arriving back at Home Sweet White Hall, i straggled up to 422b and collapsed into bed with my book a la moment...Eclipse the 3rd Twilight book of course!!!! i have yet to reach the plots climax, but i cannot waittt. its so good so far :) if you have yet to read them, hop on the bandwagon my friends. Even D my roomie got into it over break. its corny and romantic and utterly delicious with just enough dose of strange twisted vampire obsession.
i love good books. and in realizing this i just happened to stumble upon this pic, which also made me laugh. i hope its true. but so far in my 19 years of existence, no including the book itself, its personally yet to prove its hypothesis...and i myself am a huge book lover i tell you. maybe its due to my spandex...hahahaha (a story for a later date)

i shall not give up hope :)
i am a romantic afterall.
and to go along with my pic trend i have going on in this post i have another one.
in spirit of my love of facebook and that fact that i literally passed out with Eclipse open on my chest on Sunday...(yea thats right...Edward fell asleep in my bed too. haha watch out bella) ...i felt this literal interpretation just had to be shared with the world.
such a great pic hahah gets me everytime.

so great.
alright thats all for now folks. ive got a hefty stack of homework i need to dig into before the nights end. hope y'all had a happy Thanksgiving! and to my fellow college comrades, good luck in these next few weeks, theyre going to be a biotch :)
Astalabyebyeee :)
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Have you ever wondered why college is so much harder than highschool?
...cause i have.
Why is it that the standard education process aka high school does absolutely nothing to prepare you for college? in high school i can honestly say i never had to try. i never studied for hours, i never made note cards, i never napped from the fatigue of learning. 5 paragraph themes are pointless. college hates 5 paragraph themes. APA format never existed in highschool. i never had to conduct lab research and make appointments with grad students to do it either. i was never required to rewrite papers. papers were never graded with Checks, check pluses and check minuses. and never once did i have to depend on my test grades to keep a good grade...it was usually the exact opposite. i always depended on the creative projects....thats where i excel. I SUCK AT TESTS. and now im paying the price.
College is hard my friends. so for those of you how arent yet there. wake up. work for it. because soon enough youll be just like me .... scrambling to get assignments in on time, to get all the points i can, staying up until 4 just to get it just right and realizing that most of the time...the time you spend on it all, isn't quite enough.
And so here i am ... in the study lounge, doing just that. writing 2 of the 3 papers due this week, on top of emailing professors to clarify assignments, all the while trying not to drown in the idea that i still have to blog for cyberspace and society, study for my psych exam on friday, make my 11:15 research appointment tomorrow ... but first wake up at 7 to workout and go to gender in america to discuss nothing, and psych 1061. ...plus cheerleading aka practice tomorrow night until 10, and a game on thursday until like 11.
did i mention im going to PSU this weekend too? and sell joe corbis to raise money for Daytona nationals? .... yea my life is one great big mess.
anyway. enough whining. my life may be the definition of shitty, but i do love it. yes, college is hard, but it makes for some GREAT stories.
this past weekend was noteably halloween. i am proud to say i have fully reembraced the weekend. i went out on thursday scantily clad in my censored costume, i made friends with some cops, i went out on friday all dolled up as snow white, i got my drank on and danced my tush off. i went to annapolis maryland on saturday to cheer on TU football. WE WON <3>
it was a top weekend to say the least, only soon to end with monday rollin around....bringing 8am workouts outside and boring gender in america discussions along with it.
i swear to you Alex my demon trainer is my sworn enemy. so i wake up on monday, feeling dapper and bright eyed thanks to a good nights sleep and day light savings giving me an extra hour :) i bundle up in my favorite old gymnastics long sleeve tee, my addidas knee length running pants, my cute little black and pink sneaks and my token cheer fleece. i didnt look good...but i was ready to workout haha. i roll up to mcgonigal at 7.53 ... almost late, but not lucky enough to miss the group heading out to the practice turf. fml. we do a round of suicides, kareokes, ground balls, more sprints, some relays and then after just as im about to die from the cold air buring my lungs, my nose running, and my heart beating out of my chest, he says its time to walk back inside to the 85 degree gym to lift and do some abs.
i better look like a goddamn victorias secret model by the end of these workouts. if i bulk up i WILL be pissed hahaha.
okay so after workouts i got to class. YUCK. but i got an A on my midterm GIA paper which was great...but got assigned another paper due friday. double yuck. after that i come home...nap...get cute for my 2 o'clock and then meet D at the Sac for our weekly 3 o'clock cinnamon sugar bagel, loaded chicken salad and gossip date. so great :)
mondays are aweome. no practice. lots of food, easy on the classes and this weeks first world series enstallment...we won 3-2 yanks so far. fingers crossed for my city <3>
okay so tuesday....today. slept in until 11:50 ...but woke up at 10 to a dysfunctional screaming african american couple dukin it out outside white hall. im on the 4th floor mind you. i swear to you my subconscious sleepy self wouldn't have been surprised to hear gun shots. the wife seemed all to eager to bust a cap in her mans ass. and to make matters worse they set their offspring off in a fit of obnoxious crying...it was either their kids, the neighbors, or a dumped orphan in a trashcan. welcome to diamond and Susquehanna my friends.
after that i went back to sleep reawoke at 12 and set to work on sparknoting todays english reading in the Awakening...only because i hadn't yet bought the book ... hhaha oops. but it did its job, i led the class discussion pretty well and Robert K seemed to appreciate it. oh and i made sure to buy the book so that got taken care of too. but before the class starts i get emails regarding psych research and classroom switches. for like the 4th time. since my psych exam is friday im required to have 5 credits of research completed by then. this morning i only had 3.5. eeeep! so i banged one out for .5 creds online, and then signed up for one tomorrow at 11.15. go me! i move on to the next email. room change for english. in a diff building. there was nothing wrong with our first room. i still dont get it.
so i go to english. find my room. go to bathroom while waiting for Robert K. come back to class, let the girl next to me copy my mile long notes from last class and wait for it to start. 4 minutes have passed. THE FIRE ALARM GOES OFF. im jacketless. its windy as fuck. i felt like oedipus rex when hes on one of his many journeys to all those crazy islands and the wind gods fuck him up. yea that bad. so 25 minutes latter we're allowed back inside. we start class..i rock the convo. go me. afterwards i race to the sac grab my weekly BK installment of chicken tenders and fries and trek back to white hall. D had her boy N over...so great. some random creep from one of her classes fbook chats her...all creepy. making zero good conversation. we decide to fuck with him and tell him she has an overprotective black boyfriend Omar. no prejudice...it was just so funny because this kid is a scrawny ginge. poor thing got so awkward SO quick. never had a chance. and the cheating bastard has a gf. not okay.
after 2 hours of laughin and pointless discussion i gear up for practice. go to mcgonigal and find out that practice was canceled. wtf . hahah bittersweet. i go back home. change and now im here. in the study lounge for the first time. i tried to write my paper i really did. but instead i decided this was better. hahaha fml. alright ive given away way to much already. tchao for now friends!!!
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