In Light of starting my very first blog, and the fact that this monumental moment happens to fall on the day after the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur, I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting. I’m not Jewish, but i find this a minor detail unimportant. What does stir up some thought is that on the day of repentance i find that as of late all i’ve been doing is the exact opposite: indulging and sinning.
I’m so not chosen for a reason.
And so I’ve decided to take a different route and reflect on the things I’ve done wrong and have no desire to repent for. I’ve got enough Christian guilt as it is.
10. Borrowing my sister’s clothes without asking.
Sorry katie, Julie and Colby .. the years of apparel snatching were well worth the cat fights :)
9. Indulging in fast food gluttony . At any hour of the day.
3 am. Mcdonalds. 9:30 pm Burger King. 10 am Wendy’s. The freshman 15 never tasted so good.
8. Exceeding my budget to buy expendables.
It’s not like I need groceries. clothes and fashion mags are far more fulfilling.
7. Skipping class to sleep.
okay so im a month in to college and i’ve already missed some classes. nbd. i learned my lesson to set the alarm to the AM and not PM. Not going to feel guilty for those extra z’s over watching a video on gender roles in Gender in America. Barbie, bad. I get it. I can find it on YouTube, right?
6. Lying about having a boyfriend to get out of a date.
Yeah, sorry I have this super protective boyfriend that won’t let me even text other boys.
5. Staying out til 3 AM. On a weekday.
RDTs are the new Fridays.
4. Using that emergency debit card for a General Cho emergency.
“they didnt accept diamond dollars…what was i supposed to do... reject the stir fried deliciousness?”
3. Shamelessly Facebook-stalking.
My roommate can attest to fact that the ratio of hours fbook stalking to those spent studying are pathetically in negative correlation. but hey, just making sure you still have more chins than quality personality traits. dont judge. i know you do it too.
2. Getting a citation for underage drinking a month into my freshman year.
If it happened in two years it wouldn't count.
1. Telling friends I’m sick/in class and can’t go out to grab food in order to stay in and watch movies with my real best friend: popcorn M&Ms.
Okay, maybe saying I got hit with the swine stick was a little overboard.